Tuesday 13 July 2010

buah kelo/murunggai/munggai

orang penang panggil: buah munggai
orang johor panggil: buah kelo
orang india panggil: murunggai
ada yang panggil: drumstick
nama saintifiknya: Moringa Oleifera

apa pun panggilanya, buah, daun dan bunga murunggai atau moringa oleifera adalah satu pokok ajaib yang dikatan sangat berkhasiat untuk perubatan. di sini kaknab lampirkan semua ulasan2 yang terdapat dalam internet untuk renungan bersama. yang pentingnya, murunggai kalau masak gulai udang dengan parpu memang sedap.

Moringa Olifeira is a tree found throughout tropical and sub-tropical regions of the developing world.
While the tree has existed for thousands of years, its benefits have just recently become well-known.
We hope to spread Moringa by intitiating workshops and farming programs in all our project countries.
Moringa, "The Miracle Tree", contains (gram for gram)...

Here's a summary:
Leaves: Moringa's leaves can be eaten in stews or salads. As the chart indicates, moringa leaves contain more calcium, protein, potassium, vitamin A and C per gram than historically nutrient-rich foods. Scientists have discovered that the Moringa leaf is one of the most densely packed natural health foods in the world today.
Seeds: Moringa seeds are also highly useful. Low-fat vegetable oil can be extracted. More importantly, the dried seeds can purify unsafe water. By leaving the dried seeds in a bottle of unclean water overnight, between 90-95% of the bacteria can be purified.

The drumstick tree or horseradish tree (Moringa oleifera) is one of the commonest trees in India. It is distributed in the wild in the sub-Himalayan tract and cultivated widely throughout India.
It is a small to medium sized elegant tree. The bark is thick, soft, corky and deeply fissured. The leaves, tri-pinnated with elliptical leaflets, are fern-like. Its flowers are white and fragrant and appear in large panicles while the fruits are triangular, ribbed pods with winged seeds. Some varieties found in south India grow pods longer than one metre!
The greenskinned, tough, 1-2 feet long, sticklike vegetable, is surprisingly soft and fleshy inside. The opaque white flesh, embedded with pea-like seeds, covered in layers of skins, is sweetish, fragrant, and tasty to eat, when cooked.
They get their name from the fact that they do resemble the musical drumsticks.
As a general rule, the hard ridges of the drumsticks should be scraped with a peeler, but do not over peel, as the vegetable will become difficult to cook and stir. The skin should also be intact to enable eating the fleshy part, when cooked, or the skin wills break and one cannot enjoy it to the fullest.
Ideal size of drumstick pieces, are about 2-1/2 inches in length.

The drumstick is valued mainly for its tender pods, which are relished as vegetable but all its parts - bark, root, fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and even gum - are of medicinal value.
» They are used in the treatment of ascites, rheumatism and venomous bites as antiseptic and as cardiac and circulatory stimulants.
» Fresh root of the young tree (as also the root bark) is used as rubefacient and vesicant. Internally, it is a stimulant, diuretic and antilithic. Externally, it is applied as a plaster or poultice to inflammatory swellings.
» The root, in prescribed doses, is given in intermittent fevers, paralytic affections, epilepsy and hysteria and externally in palsy, chronic rheumatism, enlargement of spleen, dyspepsia and also in bites by rabid animals.
» A compound spirit made of the roots and orange peel with a little bruised nutmeg is useful in fainting fits, giddiness, nervous debility, spasmodic affections of the bowels, hysteria and flatulence.
» A decoction or infusion of the root with the addition of bruised mustard seeds is used in ascites caused by diseases of the liver and spleen.
» This decoction or infusion is also useful as a gargle in soreness of mouth and throat, and pain in the gums due to dental caries.
» Freshly extracted juice of the root bark is used to relieve otalgia by pouring it into the ears and also into the hollow of the tooth in cases of dental caries.
» Its seeds are acrid and stimulant. The oil of the seeds is applied in gout and rheumatism. The leaves are rich in vitamins A and C and are considered useful in catarrhal affections.
» The juice of the leaves is dropped into the eyes in fainting fits caused by nervous debility, spasmodic affections of the bowel, hysteria and flatulence
» The juice is mixed with honey and applied to the eyelids in cases of eye diseases.
» A paste of the leaves is used as an external application for wounds. Poultice of the leaves is useful in reducing glandular swellings.
» Its flowers are used as stimulant, tonic, diuretic and cholagogue. They are useful in increasing the flow of bile.
» Its gum, mixed with sesamum oil, is dropped into the ears in otalgia. The gum, rubbed with milk and made into a paste, can also be applied to the temples in headache.
» It is also applied to buboes and to painful bones in syphilis.
» The pods made into a soup are prescribed as a diet in sub-acute cases of enlarged liver and spleen, articular pains, tetanus, debility of nerves, paralysis, pustules, patches and leprosy.
» A curry made from the unripe pods acts as a preventive against intestinal worms.
» Drumsticks other miraculous quality-its ability to purify water-has been used by households for centuries. But it has only recently been tested commercially. Powdered Moringa seeds, when added to murky, bacteria-laden water, act as a coagulant, binding to the bacteria and silt and falling to the bottom of the vessel. The clean water can then be poured out.


  1. great info i hope u keep posting such things

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  3. salam kak nab nak minta beli daun munggai ni sikit boleh..kak nab tinggal dimana?kalau boleh ni no wasap saya 0195456838
